Thursday, October 16, 2008

Do we realize?

I write this as a result of something that has happened in my life over that past few days.

Do we even realize, what our purpose is on this earth? To Glorify God in everything.
But what does that mean? One thing that i have been challenged with in the past few days is telling other's about Him. I'm sure we've all heard a sermon where the infamous, if you don't tell them about Jesus they're going to hell line. While this may be a little harsh considering the salvation of others doesn't hinge on you, because lets remember, "God doesn't need you to complete his works, but he wants you.", have you every really thought about the fact that people you know could burn in hell for all eternity? Take a minute and really just think that over. Maybe a friend that you are too afraid of what they may say or do if you ask them a simple question, are you really willing to sacrifice the chance that you may have had a chance to share God's love and his grace and mercy with them, but you missed it. All for the sake of your meaningless reputation in the eyes of eternity?

I challenge you to step out of your box over the next few days and to take that extra step to share God's love, to change a life, and to live for God.

A suggestion:
Find a friend on Facebook, at school, at work, or even church. Just simply send them a message and tell them you are praying for them, or just walk up, say I'm praying for ya', and walk away.

Trust me, to the meek and shy, you don't have to say anything else. Those words will make them ask why. And that will be your foot in the door.

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