Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Eh, skipping out on Bio110 studying...sorry Mr. Sigmond..
School, isn't it a wonderful place? I mean really, I have spent almost thirteen years doing this, and still have a few more to come. Along with school comes different things, some we are prepared for and some we are not. Relationships, grades(bad or good), opinions, loopy teachers, loopy friends, you get the picture. Then you have the more social side of things, facebook, myspace, twitter, and all that Jazz, texting, parties, clubs, sports..it never ends.

Where is God in all this? Do we think about him alot when we talk about this part of our lives?
Does God end up being that friend on facebook that pops up in your chat and you get off cause you don't have time to talk to them? When is the last time you read God's tweets? Do you know what He is up to? Or do you need to send him a long message that looks something like this, "Hey bro, long time no see, your status caught my eye in my news feed and i thought about you.....blahblahblah"

Its so easy to get caught up in life, the bells and whistles and fun stuff.
I challenge you start a message on facebook, like you were going to send it to a friend, a great friend, that won't judge you for what you say, and write to God, tell him what's been up, ask him questions, whatever you choose to do....

He is real, He loves you, and He wants to be a part of your life.....


Friday, September 18, 2009

Crazy Daddy Love...

Seek first your Father in heaven and all the rest will be added.

Epic Fail.
Ill be the first to admit that I fail at this constantly, thanks God for grace and mercy.
I get so caught up in the "all the rest" that I forget where my focus needs to be. I am constantly, almost everyday, having to come back to my Jesus. To come back to Him and let Him love on me some more. Is this wrong? I don't believe so,

Do you ever find it hard to love God? I do. Having an intimate relationship with anyone should never be easy. It requires constant work. Moreover, sometimes life just down right stinks, its hard to love the one that we tend to try to blame for everything. Reading that and admitting to it is hard, even for me as I am writing it, but its true. I blame God for everything that goes wrong, "why God? why me? why are you doing this to me?" If i have said or thought that once I have a thousand times. I am ashamed, but I am loved. Its never hard for God to love us, and He always will.

Think of the story of the prodigal son, isn't it a great example. I get the impression the son was finding life on the farm hard, he needed a way out, he wasn't in love with his life, or his father. He took advantage, took his inheritance, and left.

~I do that alot, take advantage of all that God has given me, then decide to take all of it, and live my life apart from him, ignoring his guidance~

Fastforward>> ahead, He comes back home after he hit rock bottom, he was helpless and broken, no where left to go but back to his father. You know he was weary of what his father would say, would he receive him? Would he be angry or even disown him?

We learn from the Word that His father ran out to meet him, joyfully and warmly, as the morning welcomes in the sun... No joke, the man was jumping around acting craycray because his son had come back home. Did he ask questions? No, instead he prepared a feast with the best food he could find, and loved his son just as he had before he had left him to go his own way.

What a testimony, if God just loved us that much, wow...but He loves us an unimaginable times more than that, its unfathomable.

God always loves us, when we walk away, when we blame Him for our struggles, even when we run in the complete other direction, he is running out to meet us in His wondrous embrace, to clothe us in his majesty and to lavish his never ending love on us. I cannot even begin to describe his love in words, its crazy.

Its never hard for God to love us...

Ill end with a prayer request,
Please keep my professor in your prayers, his mother-in-law was killed this past week in a very tragic accident, it has been and will continue to be a struggle on him and his wife and kids, we have all lost a loved one and know the pain that comes with that. Im not sure on his faith or beliefs, pray for that as well, this is a time when many people walk away from God and blame him for things.

To Mr. Neathery...I Pray that God's love will be the prominent strand through all of your struggle and loss and that his ravenous love will be revealed as He holds you in the palm of his hand where his Love brings peace, and his breath gives hope.

Thanks daddy...

