Sunday, October 19, 2008

How He Loves

Im sure you have heard the new song, "How He Loves" by John Mark McMimllan if you haven't, stop reading, go to iTunes and buy it!!! This song has become my favorite as of lately. The words are so blunt and true. To not give anything away and to force those of us who know it to go listen to it again im only gonna talk about a little part of it. However, though this may be a small part of the song, its a huge part of life.

"How He loves us, Oh how He loves us..."

I know I have said this before, but let that sink in ...

The God of the universe loves you, he loves me, he loves us...

Now think about all the times you have lied....

Think about all the times you did the wrong thing even thought you knew it was wrong.....

Think about that time you stole that thing, and never told anybody....

Think about all the times you have turned your back on God....

Now repeat these words.....

"How He loves us, Oh how He loves us!"

Thats all i really need to say, but ill finish with this, I love you too...please email me if you ever need to talk about anything....Im praying for all who read this...that you may come to know God's love in a real and deep way, for those of us that know that beautiful love already, that you may know it more, that you will wrap the outstreached arms of the Lord around your weary soul and find yourself lost in the unfailing love he has lavished on us....


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Do we realize?

I write this as a result of something that has happened in my life over that past few days.

Do we even realize, what our purpose is on this earth? To Glorify God in everything.
But what does that mean? One thing that i have been challenged with in the past few days is telling other's about Him. I'm sure we've all heard a sermon where the infamous, if you don't tell them about Jesus they're going to hell line. While this may be a little harsh considering the salvation of others doesn't hinge on you, because lets remember, "God doesn't need you to complete his works, but he wants you.", have you every really thought about the fact that people you know could burn in hell for all eternity? Take a minute and really just think that over. Maybe a friend that you are too afraid of what they may say or do if you ask them a simple question, are you really willing to sacrifice the chance that you may have had a chance to share God's love and his grace and mercy with them, but you missed it. All for the sake of your meaningless reputation in the eyes of eternity?

I challenge you to step out of your box over the next few days and to take that extra step to share God's love, to change a life, and to live for God.

A suggestion:
Find a friend on Facebook, at school, at work, or even church. Just simply send them a message and tell them you are praying for them, or just walk up, say I'm praying for ya', and walk away.

Trust me, to the meek and shy, you don't have to say anything else. Those words will make them ask why. And that will be your foot in the door.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What is Love.Change.Live. ?

To be honest, i wish i knew myself…

Love. Change. Live. is a ministry that God has placed on my heart in a big way over the past week. What kind, where, how…those are all question im waitng on an answer for myself. All i know is that its gonna  be big, cause its God’s. 

The name, 

Love. God calls us to love our neighbor, so many people are turned away from the church today because christians aren’t interested in loving everyone, only the people who look like them or act like them. I believe that loving and caring for people is the first step to showing the God’s love and ushering them into his glory.

Change. Ghandi once said be the change you want to see(loosely quoted). That is the purppose of LCL. To challenge Christians to stop complaining about the world and start doing something to make a difference and see the change actuall take place in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Live. Live is simple. we have to live out God’s word. And if we do then others will see Christ in our lives and if we truly live for God they will want some of what I, what we, have.


Love.Change.Live is about reaching people for Jesus Christ. About showing them the Love that we have found to be ours, therefore changing lives, and living out the Word of God.



The first

It has occured to me over the past few days that i need to start a blog. A way to express myself and to maybe inspire others with my ideas. Please take what you read with a grain of salt for it is just my opinion, and the words i have recieved from God. They are not for everyone but for those who choose to read, consider that they may have meaning for your life as well, so i intend to share. 
